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The Gender Pay Gap

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

It's no secret that, on average, women get paid less than their male counterparts. Lets take a look at the facts...

In the UK, businesses must present and publish their salary details for male and female staff. In September of 2020, predictions of this publication would show that 90% of women were to be paid less than their male colleagues, who held the same title and role as them.

Jobs done by women are undervalued. Both in terms of the value society places on the jobs and the wage people are paid. Jobs with a higher percentage of women tend to be lower paid, and if, over time, the proportion of women increases average pay goes down further. - The King's Fund

Research shows that due to the barriers presented to women in senior positions, women are more likely to accept jobs which are lower in status or undervalued by society. These jobs come with inherently low pay. So it's no surprise that females taking lower paid jobs due to lack of confidence, is responsible for 36% of the Gender Pay Gap.

The mandatory publication of male and female salaries in the UK is, however, promoting change. Where the data shows clearly that women are being under paid, regulations and legislation step in to provide authority for women to challenge their pay.

Although there is legislation in the UK that protects women from pay discrimination, it remains difficult to discover instances of unequal pay. Employees are often discreet about their salary, and even if a woman discovered she is being discriminated against, litigation against the employer takes time and money. Change is happening, but it is slow, emphasising the importance of initiatives that support professional women in the workplace and protect their fundamental rights.

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